Stem Cell Tissue Regeneration

(Pulse Wave Therapy)

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Stem Cell Machine powered by TRT Treatment is the most advanced, highly effective, non-invasive treatments cleared by the FDA to treat degenerative conditions and chronic pain.

During Stem Cell Machine Therapy, high energy sound waves are applied to painful and injured areas of the body to dramatically stimulate healing and regeneration.

It works by helping to stimulate and improve your body’s own healing capability by enhancing blood circulation and stem cell activity to regenerate damaged tissue.


Beneficial effects are often experienced in only one or two treatments and there is no downtime! This non-surgical treatment can help completely eliminate pain.

Benefits: Non-Invasive | No Anesthesia | No Risk of Infection | No Scarring | No Downtime | High Patient Satisfaction | Cost Effective

Great For: Faster, Easier Healing | TMJ | Knee Pain | Heel Pain | Foot Pain | Ankle Pain | Achilles Tendon Injuries | Plantar Fasciitis | Hamstring Pain | Back and Neck Pain | Tennis and Golfers Elbow | Shoulder Pain | Elbow, Wrist and Hand Pain | Sports Injuries | Arthritis | Male Erectile Dysfunction (ED) | Sexual Health | Muscle Pain | Overuse Injuries