Therapy Services

Call Today To Learn More (803) 726 - 2344

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Physical Therapy

Our licensed and highly skilled Physical Therapists are here to help eliminate pain, discomfort, and promote healthy healing.

Great For: Back Pain | Headaches | Migraines | TMJ Jaw Pain | Chronic Pain | Post-Surgery | Knee Pain | Neck Pain | Disc Problems | Sports Injuries | Fibromyalgia | Painful Scars | PMS | Carpal Tunnel | Chronic Fatigue | Scoliosis 

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Occupational Therapy

Our licensed Occupational Therapists help patients regain the strength and ability to perform everyday activities.

Great For: Those recovering from an injury or surgery, or older adults experiencing physical and/or cognitive changes affecting their daily lives.

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Myofascial Release

Myofascial Release is a safe and very effective hands-on technique that involves applying gentle sustained pressure into the connective tissue restrictions to help eliminate pain and restore motion.

Great For: Poor Posture | Car Accident Injuries | Falls | Fractures | Post-Surgery | Arthritis | Cramps | Sitting At a Desk | Sports Injuries | Diving for Extended Distances | Pain anywhere in the body including the back, neck, arms, legs, pelvic, trunk, TMJ (jaw pain) | Headaches | Migraines, | Chronic Pain | Disc Problems | Sciatica | Neurological Dysfunction | Fibromyalgia | Chronic Fatigue | Adhesions | Painful Scars | Carpal Tunnel | Scoliosis | Pregnancy Pain


Call Today To Learn More (803) 726 - 2344